Casey Weldon's "Tacit Turnaround"

Casey Weldon's "Tacit Turnaround"

On view beginning Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 at Thinkspace Projects in Los Angeles, California is People's Printshop artist Casey Weldon's long awaited solo exhibition, "Tacit Turnaround."

"Tacit Turnabout" is a menagerie of ideas Weldon has collected over the last couple years. Each piece is inspired by real-life scenarios he has witnessed, including stories of loved ones, observations about his environment, and his own introspective self-evaluation.

The collection is particularly special as it represents a return to creation and work for Weldon, who has recently been through a long stagnant period due to recent brain surgery. With ‘Tacit Turnabout,’ he aims to make something beautiful and fun out of relatively dark origins. While he is not aiming to beautify the struggles, he sheds light on a different perspective, emphasizing optimism and hope.

The collection itself is a lovely convergence of many ideas, all in pursuit of connecting with the viewers. As Weldon describes it, “my intent is to be narrative, accessible, and hopefully pleasurable to look at. I definitely like to involve a lot of nostalgic pop references, especially for the more humorous side of my work, but I also like referring to nature and man’s interaction with it. In the end my major goal is to get the viewer to be inquisitive about the painting, either to get the punchline, or make one up on their own. I can only hope that I can be interesting enough for them without being too ambiguous, but still say something without spelling it out. Plus cats.”

Don't miss Casey's prints available in our shop.

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